Wow, it really has been a long time since I posted anything, huh? Well, I decided to get back to writing because poor Eddy would eventually run out of excuses for me.
So, what's new? Let me see... I have been in a steady and happy relationship for almost two years (Yay, me!!!) with an amazing woman. She's got a big heart and she's super intelligent (unlike my Ex who looked smart, but was and still is as dumb as a Christmas tree, and I mean this without disrespect to trees). It's a long distance relationship for now, which can be difficult and complicated, but we make it work.
Speaking of work, my job has been taking up a lot more of my time these last 4-5 months (way, way, way too much of my time), and totally kicking my a**. I've been placed in the manager-training program, and soon I will have my own bakery to run. Seriously! I don’t even know if that's what I really want, but I guess I can always refuse when the time comes. I'm sure I've said this before, but I never knew the bakery business could be so crazy! Of course, it's extra crazy during the holiday season, and this year has been oh-so special thanks to all of the people who came to my counter asking some truly stupid questions. Hands down and muffins up, people, this year's stupid questions are tops by a Christmas gingerbread land slide… damnnnn!!! I haven't made a list yet, but I will get one together later today and share it the next time I post.
So, that's pretty much it, I guess. How are all of you doing? Leave a comment and let me know. I'd love to hear from you guys. :)