
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

OMG, I'm A Mess! - Part Two

Lately, while I’m working, I've been reflecting on some of my most recent blog posts, and I decided that it might be time for a follow up to OMG, I'm A Mess! (posted back in September). I know it’s my blog & I don’t need to explain myself, but I felt like saying something, so here goes. You see, most people I know would never subject themselves to what I do. By that I mean work with my EV mother & Bitter sister + allow my Ex who did me wrong to still have contact with me, but being surrounded by these people with deep issues (and who clearly need some serious therapy... I went for a year & it helped me deal) somehow makes me feel saner because it means that I'm not alone in when it comes to being a mess. In fact, these people somehow make me feel like my life is going in a somewhat straighter (take this part with a grain of salt) direction.

OK, I just read that back and it sounds rather nutty. Oh, well, it's true, so whatever. Bottom line, I might still be a mess, but at least I don’t regret anything. In the overall scheme of things, all I want is to be a better person and to leave this earth with my spirit full of joy & love.



  1. Don't let anyone fool you, I think even those who seem to have it together are still a mess, they just hide it better. I think you are doing just fine. I was going to say Happy Thanksgiving, but then I remembered you are Canadian. So I'll say it now and let you apply it to what ever day you crazy northerners call your Thanksgiving. LOL

  2. Me too sis!!
    I feel like a mess...
    Glad ur are gettin a perspective about ur own life,looking at the people around you..:D What do u think ur ma would have to say if u tell her this..
    Secretly, I get the same feeling too at times! ;)

    But I am mess right now, on a "self-sabotaging" spree..
    Was thinking about it just this morning...will write about it soon, I guess....!


  3. I feel you girl... no worries at all...


  4. You know, Jb we are all fine messes each and every one of us. We wouldn't be here blogging if everything was just ducky.My life is such a complicated puzzle at times. The people in my life amaze me, confuse me, frustrate me and inspire me. For me blogging is therapy. It's a place were I can give myself time to say what I want to say and work things through. When I look back on older posts of mine I can definitely see when I was sad, happy, goofy etc...
    It's a crazy quilt of emotions.

    Peace - Rene

  5. I would like to say, to all of you, thanks for reading, thanks for taking the time to follow my neurotic ways, you guys are keeping me sane.

    I blog for the same reasons you all do it. I never thought that this would be therapy but it has turned out to be something so much if I would have known this I would never have given my therapist all that money

    Somewhere along the way, we are all trying to put our best foot forward and sometimes a little backwards but all with good intentions.

    Once again, thank-you so much for following and for helping me along the way.

    That's the Word

  6. I believe the correct translation of the title of this post into human language would read something like this:

    Cerebral enema works wonders to your mental health.

    Pay one, get one free.

  7. "In the overall scheme of things, all I want is to be a better person and to leave this earth with my spirit full of joy & love." Works for me. Great website, by the way.

  8. Actually, on second thought, it's
    Pay one, get several free.

  9. You just have too big of heart to walk away from people--even when people think you should. I know that feeling!!

  10. Hey! U have been tagged girl~ Go do it! :)

  11. WOW what a Site! You really got a BLOG! I love ur conversation w/ ur ma.. i could almost hear your voices while am imagining u 2 in the kitchen table... and your ramblings about you.. they are definitely my type.. like its personal stuff but its better shared... i can relate girl.. that struck me most. And amazing layout too.. if only i've got all day to read everything...but i'll definitely would be back.... cheers!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)