
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Eleven Years Later...

Hi Everyone,

Sunday, August 4th marked 11 years since this blog got started. Hard to believe it's been that long and how much things have changed. For those of you who still stop by to see what's new, you've surely noticed that JB hasn't made an appearance in a very long time. She still has all the crazy stories, just no time to sit down and share. It's a shame because I know you'd love them. You can't make this sh*t up, believe me.

Anyway... if you're still reading, then I guess you must be interested in what I have to share, otherwise you would have been long gone by now. I might not be able to entertain you with stories like JB, but I do share some good shopping deals and food for thought whenever I can.

For this blog post, I thought a look back at some of the most popular stories would be fun, so I'm listing them here for all of you to enjoy. They are still as hilarious as I remember. If you're coming back to read them again, or if you're just reading them for the first time, please take a moment to comment on which one you love best.

Until next time,