
Monday, August 17, 2009

OMG, I'm A Mess - Part Three

Some of you might remember reading OMG, I'm A Mess and OMG, I'm A Mess - Part Two. The question is, am I still a mess? Well, let's review.

I got rid of the poison in my life (aka my Ex). Good.

The restaurant closing was the right thing for everyone involved. Good.

I got a new job. Good.

I got promoted. Good.

Well, except for one thing... I HATE MAKING CAKES!!!!!!! I F**KING HATE IT!!!!!!!! HATE IT!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!


I thought I was working towards not being a mess, but I messed up. I mean, how the f**k did I get into cakes? I thought smelling like the deli was bad, but smelling like the bakery is worse. Really, you have no idea.

Oh, and did I mention that my manager hates me? Well, she does. I know she has problems of her own, but for f**k sakes, stop taking it out on me, already!!!!!!!!

Yup, just when I thought I was on the way to better things, I realize, OMG, I'm still a mess!



  1. LOL

    Ok, I shouldn't laugh, but I've never heard someone tirade about hating making cakes. Now you know the path of bitterness that leads to being a cake nazi. But be a cake ninja instead.

    I'll probably have to get a job again in the next year os so. I SO don't look forward to it. Making cakes doesn't sound too bad, though.

  2. I'm a great cook but not much of a baker so I can relate. Plus I think smelling all that sugar all day would make me nauseous after a while.

  3. Arent we all one big mess. Making cakes sounds fun, Though I would never do it for a job because then I wouldnt like cake no more. Love you JB! Muah!!

  4. You survived this long and I'm sure it's going to take more than a cake bitch to send you over the edge. Personally, I hate cake, so I commend you for working with that crap.

  5. Ok baking scares the heck out of me so I can totally understand what you are talking about. A friend of mine was a pastry chef and she said it was so stressful, that she ended up quitting. There will be many changes in your life and time goes by so fast. I would look for other work, sometimes that is easier said than done. Big hug to you.

  6. Come on, how can you be cranky working around cake? Sounds impossible to me.

  7. As ifff you hate cakes, JB. I would love if someone I knew came home smelling of the bakery ;)

    I'm still waiting on those cake pictures btw!

  8. hey! look on the bright side, you're not working at a fish monger.... and bosses, yeah well, nice or not, i keep my distance. just in case...

  9. Oh no! Things were going so well! I'm so sorry...I guess I shouldn't bake you a cake (sorry for that I couldn't resist). I do hope that things get better and your boss gets laid soon.

  10. @John Smith....well you go get that cake job and then we will see who's the ninja and who's the Nazi....lets do it!!!!!!


  11. @Peach....the smell if icing is a special smell that I don't do so well....that's my Dr. Seuss rhyme for you.


    If I even spelled that right!!!!!

  12. @Miss Stef.....aren't we all a big mess love but it's how we make our way thru the mess is what will define us all. Sending you lots of huggs and love chica.


  13. @Diva right you are. I will survive but people have to be so freaking mean about it...lolol. Oh!!!!! I hate cakes too trust me on this one.


  14. is really stressful. It's not like I make one cake...I make 50 cakes in a day if not more including small pastries and cake orders. My manager well she doesn't help me because well she is to busy taking 2 hour lunches and talking on the phone in the office where she disappears for hours on in ...god!!!! Thanks for taking the time comment. Hope all is well with you. Enough of my bitching lolol.

    huggs alot

  15. @Chris.....sorry icing makes me cranky. My manager makes me maddddd and I hate cakes....that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!!!

    Love you

  16. @Katie...I'm catching the last flight to Aussie land should be there early tomorrow. You'll see if me smelling like icing is pleasant to your oh so lovely nose my little kangaroo.....miss you.

    Love and huggs

  17. @shadow...I like fish.... I hate cakes. The yelling I'm used to, remember I worked with my family they yelled alot but at least I didn't make cakes......have a good one shadow.


  18. @John and Steve.....thanks for wanting to bake me a cake lovers but no thanks.

    As for my manager getting laid well that's going to be hard, not even her husband wants to bang her from what she's told everyone in the store(like I'd tell people that she's an idiot). I asked her if she hates me because she has a little girl crush on me and she told me to well f**k off lololol I think she likes me!!!!!!!

    My misery well keep going till someone gives her a mercy lay for the love of god!!!!!!thanks for caring boys.

    Huggs and kisses

  19. Oh but I loooooove the idea of JB making sweet little cakes! xxxx

  20. The bakery has to be better than the deli!

    Thanks by the way SOOOOO much for featuring me dear!

    Now make me a key lime pie! I LOVE it!

  21. OMG, did you really ask her if she has a crush on you? You little minx. You know she must...

  22. @Anna... I would so enjoy you watching me make those little sweets for you in my little bakery outfit my swedish kitten......welcome back love I missed you.

    @Mr. C......your welcome and NO!!!! key lime pie for you until i say so. Have a great one love.

    @Chrissy.....not in those words. What I said to her was "don't be so maddddd at me, everyone has a little girl crush on me it's ok biatche from hell....lolol well I wanted to call her that but I refrained.

  23. lol, good luck.
    I aggre that a routine at the bakery can be boring but you and your manager should find a way to work things out, be more professional and have fun. Because cakes = desserts and desserts = happiness.

  24. When properly used, my cake-fu is nearly unstoppable.

  25. @lazy...your so sweet just like the cakes i make but her and I no sweet there at all love. I have tried and I will keep trying but i think it won't help.


  26. @John Smith....bring it.....cake-fu master I'll show you some cake-fu like you've never seen before AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


  27. love your blog! great stuff. will be back for more :D

  28. @Kacy.....thanks for dropping in and loving it. I will stop by to see you too.


  29. thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. by the way, i love cats & macs too. lol i have a million cats!

  30. If there's one thing I do know, it is that I heart cake...I would sleep in a bed of cake if I could...


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