
Friday, March 6, 2009

Quit Mocking Me!

Not long ago, I told you about the woman who came to the deli asking for our least fake meat. Meanwhile, she ended up buying one of the most fake meats we have – mock chicken. Well, she is one of many who come in daily to buy mock chicken. It’s our most popular deli meat. We sell 2 to 3 blocks of it a day. I often wonder if these people know what it’s made of, or if they just don’t want to know. Personally, I like to know what I’m ingesting, so I read labels. This is what’s listed on the one for mock chicken:


Mechanically separated meats (turkey and/or pork), pork and/or beef, water, modified milk ingredients, salt, modified corn starch, soy protein, monosodium glutamate, sodium phosphate, sodium erythorbate, spices, sodium nitrate, wheat flour

Nutrition Facts per 100g:

Calories - 250
Fat - 21g (32% daily value)
Saturated - 7g
Trans - 1g
Cholesterol - 40mg
Sodium - 1280mg (53% daily value)
Carbs - 5g
Fibre - 0g (0% daily value)
Sugars - 3g
Protein - 11g

What do you guys think? Would you eat the stuff? If you already do, will you ever eat it again now that you know what's in it?



  1. holy fat and cholesterol...bleh.

    this coming from me while I'm eating girl scout cookies. Hey at least I'm drinking water with lemon with them! haha.

  2. Chicken is already the cheapest legitimate meat. I can't imagine eating 'mock chicken' in a million years. I guess the MSG has rendered them incapable of making a logical food buying decision. I'd rather go vegetarian than eat that crap.

  3. It sucks--there is nothing healthy in this world unless it is grown from the ground. Health is a difficult task--

  4. @lindsay...girl scout cookies, now those are good....mock chicken baddddd....nice of you to drop by.


  5. @JP...not only has it rendered everyone incapable but it's also going to give them heart disease and whatever else you can think of.


  6. @Nick.....healthy choices are all aound us. To be honest there's no excuse....nick. Look at those two wonderful meals you made that I read on your blog. We can not place a price tag on our health. Our body is our temple. Without it we are mocking about this. Nice of you to drop by.


  7. @letters.....mockalicious....mmmm..mmm so freaking bad for you. Trust me I'd rather eat nothing then this crap.


  8. @shadow...and please never eat this stuff. All kidding aside, I think this stuff is slowly killing our kids.


  9. Never ever ever! too much bad cholesterol and fat.
    Speaking of bad food check this

  10. Hey thank so much your THE comment, it helps a lot

  11. Sorry for spamming your comments, lol
    But I never asked you if you speak french and I never told you that I lived in Montreal for 3 years. I also visited Quebec City (your hometown). I miss the poutine and Queues de castor

  12. @lazy...spamalot....lololol..yes I speak french and very well. I have lots of friends in montreal. Where do you live now...lazy? And I hate beaver tails can't stand the smell of them lolo...but poutine is A OK with Moi...mon bonne.....


  13. Sorry, I cannot imagine eating "mechanically separated meats." Ha!

  14. @gran...I wonder who the mechanics behind this mess of food by products are. The deli world is a very strange world of food.


  15. I HATE that, when you're so upset that even writing isn't an option. I want french toast wicked bad right now, and just thought you should know. You better take a bubble bath, or else (I sound wicked intimidating, right?).

    Feel better soon! I heart you!
    Amanda Grace

  16. What I find hard to fathom, is why anyone would eat 'mock' meat, if what that means is, you're eating stuff that's from other meat.

    And I mean, why is it even called mock chicken? Why not call it 'pieces of pork and/or beef and/or turkey'? Or perhaps 'pieces of leftover meats'?

    I fail to understand how/why there's a market for something so weird. And so... processed...

  17. Too much sodium derivatives can be dangerous and even fatal. I would rather prefer to eat a clubhouse sandwich.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Sorry fellow bloggers but this comment will be in french!

    lol, moi j'aimais bien les queues de castor mais j'étais pa capable d'en manger beaucoup juste une ou deux occasionnellement. La poutine, je n'aimais pas ça au début mais aprés je rafolais de la poutine au poulet (c'étais ma préférée). J'étudiais à Montréal a Polytechnique. J'ai été à quebec juste deux fois mais j'ai pu visiter bcp de choses et je me suis trés bien amusé au parc aquatique de Valcartier,lol.
    Maintenant je vis à Cincinnati dans l'Ohio.

  20. @amanda....I'm taking a bubble bath as soon as I'm done my thank-you's. French toast mmmm...i make a wicked one for real.....serious real.

    Thanks Amanda, sometimes i just get all up in my head can't get out. Hey are you sure you don't want some mock chicken instead...mmmm

    I heart you

  21. @Svasti....mock means not real, your right. And why people injest this is a mystery to me, why there's a market for it and why the hell people buy it. Svasti, we can't keep it in the counter...we've even sold out a few times, go figure.

    Funny thing is, sometimes people will ask for it and say "I know it's not good for me but I love it" Some people are even embarassed when they're asking for it. It's really insane..I swear.


  22. @gran....sounds,feels and smells like it Gran.....I think deli's are the most insane part of the grocery business.


  23. @skepto...can you imagine every week i have a customer who buys like clock work 500grams, that's a pound of mock chicken for his 4 kids, waxed bologna and to finish his selection 500grams of cooked ham but not the expensive one but the one that's laced with fat and salt for his kids....he tells me the same thing when he comes in.

    How can we not have obese children, when parnets cannot buy better, why is this happening?..why are we killing ourselves slowly and bringing our kids with us?'s shameful.

    Thanks for your comments and hope to see you again.


  24. suis vairment contant que tu mas ecrire en francais. Mais, je deteste les queues de castor mais j'aime la poutine tellement. Ton francais est tres bonne. J'espere que tu va m'evoyer plus des messages en francaise...merci enveniment.


  25. Yeah... I don't read ingredients. I figure if I do, I'll just stop eating all together.

  26. @cheryl....welcome back karate kid....wax on, wax off, barbie .


  27. I mean if at least if had some fiber it would maybe move through your system. Geez!

  28. eep. I'm paranoid about everything. I buy ham and won't eat it unless it's less than 2 days old

    I agree with Cheryl, if I knew the ingredients to what I was eating, I'd probably never eat anything but mangoes and potato chips. lol

  29. 'least fake meat' is the name of my new band

    i found you through PTPR and love the layout of your blog.

    healthy eating is a borderline obessesion for me. i use it to treat my disease.

  30. lol whats the most, least fake meat? how do you even determine that?

    people are stupid.

  31. Nope... wouldn't touch the stuff.

  32. Thanks for stoping today nad yesterday and the day before that etc.. lol
    By the way, you, great song on your blog but sadly "we never change" is broken. You need to refresh it! It one of my favorite song by my favorite band. oh it reminds me that I saw them last summer at Centre Bell. great memories

  33. I used to eat mock chicken when I was a little kid. Even the school lunch program served it. It was breaded and salty, and sorry to say I liked it a lot. I think they were even cut into the shape of a chicken leg. I haven't had it in a few decades now, but I had good memories of the fake meat.

  34. I'm with svasti ... I can't imagine buying "mock chicken" that's really beef and pork naughty bits. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of choosing the chicken? LMAO.

  35. Eow - gross!

    Love your blog, by the way!

  36. I know I'm late to the party here, but what's the point of eating mock chicken if it still has meat in it?

  37. I refuse to live my life by labels, and yet neither do I want to drop dead any time soon. So I try to strike a balance between indulgence and common sense.

    I had forgotten all about mock chicken. My mother used to serve it sometimes, and as I recall, it was delicious. Most of what she prepared was. I don't think I'll run out and buy some though...those ingredients are a bit scary.

  38. JB--i don't do pork at all. its so bad for you. if i ma gonna have something bad its going to be chocolate!

  39. Well, I'm never eating

    -Gina :)


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