
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lickity Split, Banana Slip!

Have you ever had your life flash before your eyes? Well, last week (the day after my trip to Ikea), I thought my life was over. I was at the deli, and, like most days, it was quite busy, but everyone was in good spirits & all was well right up to closing time... almost. You see, an hour before closing, I was about to go on a ten minute break, when I heard my co-worker say my name. He was about to tell me something, but I never got to hear what it was because I was suddenly air born, performing the most unbelievable banana slip ever. Up I went, down I fell, and then… nothing.

When I finally came to, I could hear voices all around me, but I still couldn't open my eyes to see or my mouth to speak. My co-workers kept saying my name and asking me if I was OK, but all I could do was lie there. I couldn't feel anything and I was terrified because the only thing going through my mind was when my best friend (my roommate) broke his neck in a freak accident when he was 16. He was training to go to the Olympics in platform diving (yes, he was that good), and his accident left him paralyzed for a year. In fact, he was told that he’d never walk again, but thank God the doctors were wrong.

Anyway, the more my co-workers talked to me, the more I started coming around, and I was able to open my eyes & ask them what happened. They told me that I'd slipped on some water (that’s what my co-worker was trying to warn me about before), crash landed on my head, and was out cold for a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, I still couldn't move anything below my neck. This is it, I kept thinking to myself. This is where my life ends, on the floor of a deli. I was so scared, I started to cry. One co-worker immediately got up to call 911, and the other did his best to reassure me that I was going to be fine.

As we waited for the ambulance to arrive, I calmed down enough to realize that I could actually feel something. My head was killing me! Then, slowly but surely, I started to feel everything all the way down to my toes again. (Thank you, God, thank you!!) By the time the paramedics arrived 20 minutes later, I was sitting up. After assessing my injuries, they wanted to see if I could stand up, so they helped me to my feet. OMG was I ever dizzy. So very dizzy that I threw up. (Gross, I know.) The paramedics sat me back down and told me that I definitely had a concussion and needed a CT scan. Well, the last place I wanted to go was the hospital, so I told them that I'd be fine and would go see my doctor in the morning. They said that I needed to get the CT scan done the next day for sure. They then gave me some Tylenol for the pain and told me to get someone to take me home & keep an eye on me for the next little while.

The next morning, after a night of practically no sleep (I was too busy having dreams about landing on my head), I rolled myself out of bed and just about fell flat on my face. "Hello, hello -- I’m at a place called Vertigo." Holy crap, I thought, am I even going be able to get my a** to the doctor today? Well, it took a while, but I did manage to get there in one piece, and then it was off to the hospital for my CT scan, where, by the time all was said and done, I spent almost 7 hours. SEVEN FREAKIN' HOURS!!!!!! Anyway, after reviewing the results of my CT scan, the ER doctor told me that I had a severe concussion & extreme whiplash. He also said that I was one very lucky woman. Translation: He couldn't believe that I hadn't snapped my neck when I landed on my head. OMG, I shudder just thinking about it.

Anyway, I was supposed to be off work for two weeks, but I went back after 5 days. I know, I’m stubborn, but I was going stir crazy. Basically, I’m doing as much work as one can do sitting down (ex. making sandwiches) because of the lingering dizziness. So, nothing too stressful, but work nonetheless. I’m just so unbelievably grateful that I was able to get up off that floor.



  1. Wow, I'm so glad that you're ok (and that you're Canadian, so have medical coverage).

  2. good to read you are okay :)...
    and thanks for dropping by in my blog and for your lovely comments...yup, will be checking yours too :)
    take care

  3. JB my sweetheart!!
    Now you finally put in the details of the fall...
    Seriously I am soooo glad that u are ok!!!

  4. Oh that sounds horrible!!

    I had concussion once, tho it doesn't sound as serious as this episode.

    Mine occured as a result of a skiing accident - not paying enough attention when skiing in wet snow. So, turning at high speed, I didn't lift my skiis quite enough and whammie!!

    I tore my thumb socket tendons (or something), wrenched my neck and copped concussion. Weird shit, man, that concussion business!!

    Insanely, I went to see 'Finding Nemo' not long afterwards, only to discover that watching such a flash of colour and movement... wasn't so good...

    Hope you're feeling better soon!! :)

  5. Musta been your Italian genes what saved your life! ;)

    Near death experience - I'm yet to experience that, and in all honesty not looking forward to it.

    CT scheduled the day after the accident... 7 hours at the hospital...

    Like Krieg said you're lucky you're in Canada. Here you'd have to wait till Xmas... of 2012.

  6. @kreaig,I was lucky to get all that done in one day, with the coverage we get. I can't get back that 7 hours but it was worth it. My head is still pounding and I still feell myself falling but they say it will last for a while.


  7. @mou, thanks for dropping by the blog. Happy you liked it. I hope you will return. Thank-you I will take good care.


  8. Indi.......I know I was so scared that, my last resting place was that freaking floor. I will be ok, the docter said it will take a while for everything to go back to normal.


  9. @svasti...skiing accidents happen alot. It's amazing that you went to see Finding Nemo it must have made your head fill like it was going to explode with the colors and sound that's funnylolololo you just gave me a good lolol.

    Thanks for dropping by and wishing me well, much appreciated. You take care also.


  10. @jerry..i know 2012 and how much would it cost in insurance also. I fell lucky that I didn't break my neck or have my last resting place right next to my fav deli meats lolol. I'm still having flashes of me falling on my head. It's really strange. Thanks for dropping by and you take care also.


  11. OMG! I'm so glad your okay! That is like so scary! Thank goodness your alright :)


  12. Wow, at least you are okay. You could have been hurt worse. Ouch!

  13. @Gina...yeah I'm ok but I still feel really dizzy. They say it will take a while. Wet floors are killer.

    Take Care

  14. @Tess....oh yeah ouch for sure, it really hurt and still hurts. I'm lucky it could have been worse. I have counted my blesing for sure. Yout take care and thanks for coming by.


  15. That's a terrible accident! I'm so glad you're okay. I hate going to the doctor, and especially the hospital, because they're so slow! But... thank goodness it wasn't worse. I haven't had a concussion since I was 15, more years than I wish to count. I hope you're feeling better each day.

  16. I am soooooo glad that it wasn't worse. A concussion is bad enough! Is the company you work for going to help with the medical costs.
    Please don't overdo and be extra careful for a few more days...
    Get better quickly!

  17. In the eastern philosophies it is said "The material world means danger at every step." I think you're familiar with that now....hope you're ok, thanks for stopping by...glad to meet you JB :)

  18. Oh dear, its a good thing you are ok. great post.

  19. @braja...lesson learned and filed under holy crap that floor was hard. Thanks for stopping by and see you again.


  20. @lily...thanks feeling better. Thanks for dropping by..Ok I didn't know that Geroge Clooney was your man, hahaha super funny going back to finish the read.


  21. @kay..nice to hear from you's alaska?..I'm sure cold. I'm ok, thanks for dropping by. I guess slipping is not a good thing for the health.


  22. @forgetfulone..all is good thanks for the kind words. Yeah, hospitals can be slow, but I'm happy I had all of it done in one day. Take care and thanks for dropping by.


  23. Aaaah JB, don't scare me like that. So do you have to claim work cover for the fall? :/

    I've never lost consciousness let alone from a fall to the head. Hope you're feeling better!

    Rest up, hope your roomie is making you hot hot cups of chicken soup accompanied with hot chocolates.

    Eh, wish it wasnt 46 degrees celcius here.. hottest day on record in Melbourne since the records begun!

    Take care you x

  24. @katie...I missed you... where have you been hiding, by the local ice cream trucks, casue it's damm hot down under I here. I'm ok thanks, still really dizzy and slightly dazed but it will pass. Thinking that it's time for a good long winded email...sooner then you think. I'm still waiting for that answer you


  25. @solomon..thank-you very much and thanks for dropping by my blog. I have been told it will be a long recovery. Head injures take a while.



  27. @henry po...thanks for dropping by my blog, much appreciated.

  28. Speechless...please be careful always. :-)

  29. @trinity..speechless oh yeah and a wicked head ache to boot. I will be careful for sure.


  30. When I was in high school I worked at a bakery and did a slip like that. I got lucky and didn't knock myself out though. I still think my back is messed up from that but I was too embarrassed to tell everyone how bad I was really hurting.


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