
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

ECOlunchbox & Free Shipping at Abe's Market!

Hi All,

It's mid-August and that means back-to-school shopping is in full swing. As such, I thought you folks might be interested in a study that was done by ECOlunchbox. They determined that you could save about $435 a year by switching away from using disposable lunchware such as plastic baggies, paper napkins, juice boxes, prepackaged crackers, etc. The study was based on a family that had two kids and one adult packing lunch five times a week.

So, to help you save some of your hard earned dollars and cents, I'd like to introduce you to ECOlunchbox lunchware. The line includes sandwich boxes, snack containers, lunchbags and more. Everything is plastic-free and waste-free, helping you and your family avoid health risks associated with vinyl, plastic, lead and aluminum. Pretty awesome!

As a bonus, Abe's Market is also running a free shipping promotion through this Sunday, August 24!

Head on over to Abe's Market for natural, organic and Eco-friendly products today.

Have fun shopping!

Until next time,



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