
Monday, December 24, 2012

What Cats Think About Christmas

I'm still alive, people! lol

A lot has been going on and I will be updating you guys soon. Meanwhile, I hope Eddy hasn't been driving you guys too crazy with all of the great online deals. Maybe some of you even took the opportunity to save some bucks on your Holiday shopping!

Anyway, it's Christmas Eve and we both wanted to take a moment to wish you and yours all the best. For those of you who get really stressed out this time of year, we came across this video that totally cracked us up, so we thought we'd share the fun. It's about what Christmas is like for cats. Clearly, it's no big deal. All you cat lovers and owners out there will totally relate. As for the rest of you trust us, it's funny! Possibly in appropriate at times, but funny. :)

Merry Christmas!

JB & Eddy


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)