
Friday, November 9, 2012

Layla Grayce Launches Redesigned Website

Hey All,

Eddy here sitting in for JB. If you're like me, you like to get your Holiday shopping started early and not be rushing around at the last minute. So, I thought I'd share with you a really great site with some fantastic products.

The site is called Layla Grayce, and it actually just went through a redesign. In addition to a fresh new look, they've added some bells and whistles just for you.

For instance, you can now check customer reviews to read firsthand information on product experiences and weigh in on your favorite purchases.

They also have a brand new design board, where you can mix and match different products and perfect your look before you purchase.

If you're looking for ideas to help you get a jump start on your next project, check out the revamped Backroom Blog for inspiration and helpful tips.

Start your Holiday shopping now. Visit the newly designed Layla Grayce website today!

Until next time,


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