
Friday, September 21, 2012

The Journey: Starting Over

I was hanging out in the Russian’s kitchen the other day, reminiscing about what my life’s been like, and I had this moment. I came to the realization that I am a great dreamer. I think back to times in my life and I find so much awe and beauty in the memories. Sometimes they make me cry, sometimes they make me laugh out loud, and sometimes they make me long for a time I want to relive again because it was so perfectly wondrous.

I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, but we can’t go back. We must move forward through this journey called life. We can’t choose where the road will take us or predict what we will find along the way, but we must explore.

No doubt this has been said or written by people much wiser than me. Eddy often tells me I ramble, yet she somehow knows what I’m getting at and helps me organize my thoughts on here so you guys can make sense of it all too. Anyway, I digress.

If that "a-ha" moment wasn’t enough to get me thinking, the Russian also said something that really touched me. As I mentioned in my previous post, I’m looking for a new career, so when we got on to the topic of how I’ve never really done something that was 100% for me, the Russian said:

"The reason your journey was hard is because you’ve never had a support system that truly loved you and helped you achieve what you loved and believed in. Now you have a chance to take the journey again because life gives you more then one chance and we all need to take a leap of faith when it appears. This time I will come with you because I believe in you as deeply as you believe in yourself. I know that this is the right road not just for you, but for the both of us. Stop wasting time and start making the right choices for yourself and not for others."

My love! What a wise, kind and beautiful human being! Sometimes you really do need someone to make you come to your senses and remember that people start over all the time and you can too.

So, as I embark on my new journey, I keep in mind that I can make choices along the way, but I can’t control what will happen as I go. I simply must trust and go forth. Guaranteed it won’t be easy, but that’s life. I’m just grateful I won’t have to go it alone.



  1. Your lover's statement reveals the kind of pure, unconditional, unwavering support that all of us hope to find. You are a very lucky woman!

    I'm firmly convinced that we are continuously "starting over" throughout our entire lives -- even unto the very end. So never stop changing, and never stop dreaming!

  2. @Brad, thanks I am so grateful it is beyond words. And yes we are continuously starting over and this is a good thing. Change is wonderful and we should all embrace it.


  3. Very wise statement indeed. So true.

    There is another saying I love..."Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

    I guarantee you will find what your looking for...eventually. Good things come to those who wait.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

  4. @Travel sometimes I can be wise and it is true we need to step out of our comfort zone for sure.



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