
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cherry On Top Award

Guess who got the Cherry On Top Award?


And it's pink! I love pink! lol

This award was given to me by Glen over at Glen's Life. He hasn't been reading my blog for very long, but I think he's hooked on my crazy work stories. :) He thinks they're "charming and amusing" (that's a direct quote, folks). Thanks, for thinking of me, Glen. You rock, mate!

Like all other awards, this one comes with a checklist...

1. Thank the person who sent it to you - Check!

2. Post the award - Check!

3. List three things you like to do

* Riding my bike
* Doing yoga cause it keeps me sane
* Cooking (and drinking wine)

... Check!

4. Send the award on to 5 other blogs that you think are deserving

* Paris Hotel Boutique
* Reverie Daydream
* Color Me Katie
* Habitually Chic
* Fabulously French

... Check!



  1. you are welcome - and they are charming and amusing :-)

  2. @Glen...thank you so much once again.

    @Corey...thanks Corey have a good one.

  3. Thank you so much for the blog award! I'm so flattered!! Glad I found your lovely blog!

  4. Paris...your very welcome and I am glad I found your blog it is beatiful. I visit very often.



Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)