
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy 2nd Blogoversary!

Happy Blogoversary, JB!

Hey everyone, it's Eddy here. Today is JB's 2nd blogoversary, and I'm surprising her with a little blog makeover. She's been wanting to add pages to her blog since before Blogger was actually offering the option, and now she's got them! I've also made a few other changes that we talked about way back when, and I think things turned out pretty good.

If you take a look around JB's blog, you'll see that her work stories and poems are no longer listed down the left side. Instead, you can now find her work stories on the Crazy Work Stories page, and her poems on the Black Thoughts Poetry page. There is also a page dedicated to some other amusing stories - Bizarre Dreams & More - that aren't work related. Also, JB's blog awards have been moved from the bottom right side of her blog to the Blog Awards Gallery page. Lastly, there is a personal page - About JB - with links to a number of insightful posts. :)

If you're looking to add/follow JB elsewhere on the web, you can easily do so via the social bookmarking buttons on her blog, or via the links below:

RSS (JB's blog posts)

Widgets showing some of JB's fave movies, books and music are still on the right side of her blog, but they take up less space now. Meanwhile, her blog archive and recent posts have been moved from the left side of her blog to the new columns at the bottom. The search box is down there as well.

Well, I guess that's all, folks. For those of you who take a minute to leave JB blogoversary wishes, I'd really appreciate it if you could also take a moment to let me know if the blog changes are showing up OK where ever you are in the world.


Until next time,


  1. Happy blogaversary, what a nice surprise for you. your blog looks wonderful, thank you for all the laughs you have shared with us over the past two years. hello to eddy.

  2. Hey Eddy! Everything looks great! Happy Blogaversary JB!

  3. Cinner + T&D:

    Ladies, thx a bunch for letting me know that JB's blog is showing up OK where you are. :) I'll tell JB that you two stopped by. She's been working extra hours b/c a couple of people were let go, and they still haven't found any replacements.


  4. Hi everyone,

    Thanks to Eddy this blog would never have been possible. The blog looks awesome and I'm so surprised that it has been 2 years already. Time flys when your being attacked by crazy customers all day. Thank-you everyone for always coming by and leaving all your comments. This blog would not work without all of you and of course Eddy the blog Yoggi.

    huggs and much love

  5. Cinner and Travel...thanks for updating Eddy she is the best and thanks guys for being so good to me.

    much love


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)