
Monday, June 21, 2010

I Love My Sister, But Not This Much

When I got up this morning, I had a message from Eddy about something that she came across while reading through some entertainment news about what's happening on various TV shows. In the message was a link to check out a video. Well, I watched the clip and all I have to say is that I love my sister, but not this much.

Clearly, Kourtney & Khloe Kardashian are really close, but that's just way too close for me & Bitter.

What do you say, ladies, would you let your sister help you out in this way?



  1. I love my sisters and they love me, but I think if I even HINTED that I would wax their downbelow for them. they would rush me to the nearest mental health facility... AFTER they beat me to a bloody pulp!

  2. Not a chance on this planet, and surely not on you tube. Glad you are well.

  3. @Breath....Yeah my sister would tell me to f**k off if I asked her to wax my secret garden for

    @Shadow....hahaha...FOR SURE IT'S A NO FOR ME TOO.

    @CINNER...Thanks Cinner,I am good. Also I like to keep some things like my garden of earthly delights away from my family.

  4. I have no sisters, So i will volunteer to have a go and maybe then i would be more qualified to comment

  5. go for it. Thanks for stopping by.


  6. OMG this is so funny, since Kim is not on this maybe I;ll watch it! Oh and hi btw, found you using Blog Catalog!

  7. Jess hi and thanks for finding me. Yes this is funny but waxing my sister is not my thing.



Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)