
Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Shoulda Been A Stripper

As most of you know, I haven't really been around the blogosphere for weeks now. If you're wondering why, the long and the short of it is that my life has been complete insanity, and I don't even know how I am still functioning at this point. I feel like my body could give out at any moment, but I don't have time for it to fail me because I have stuff to do. Speaking of which, last month, Court at Tangles Out selected me for the I Shoulda Been A Stripper Award, and I still haven't had a chance to post it here & pass it on to other bloggers, so I'm going to do that right now.


a. post the award on your blog

- Check!

b. list 7 of your personality traits, as evidenced on your blog

1. Funny
2. Romantic
3. Stubborn
4. Sarcastic
5. Passionate
6. Hardworking
7. Quirky

c. pass the award on to 7 other bloggers with notable personality, and be sure to let them know that they've been selected

1. Chrissy - the woman who invented this award, or so I thought (I'm still waiting for my lap dance!)

2. Anna - my sexy Swedish lover (you so naughty!)

3. Rob - a guy who'd totally rock some tight leather shorts (just imagine Nana's reaction!)

4. Miss.Stefanie - a gal who's the perfect mix of naughty and nice (purrr!)

5. Lee - a woman who knows all about flashing (is it hot in here?)

6. Mr. C - a guy who knows how to please the ladies (I know you have a Chippendales tuxedo, so don't try to deny it. lol)

7. Travel & Dive Girl - an adventurous gal (have you been to any more sex shows?)

Well, that's it for now. I miss you all, my fellow bloggers. Group hug!!



  1. Hoping your 'stripper' body doesn't give in to the daily grind of stress and life!

    Wishing you some reprieve REAL soon!

  2. JB! I had my eye on this award and can't be any happier that YOU bestowed it to me.

    PS: great to know you're still alive.

  3. Keep smiling : ) Glad to see you "back"

  4. Glad all is well with you, you must be busy with your work, and life. take care, be well.

  5. Welcome back, JB! Glad to see you're around again . . . so much that I'll even forgive the egregious snub.

  6. heee heee heee, great award, congratulations. at least now you have alternative if the deli doesn't work out *grin*

  7. I love you, JB, you naughty little minx!


  8. I hope my name will be on the list next time.

  9. YEAH!! I super excited about this award, but maybe not as excited as I was about the sex show...

  10. Hey everyone,

    Just a quick note to let all of you know that I'll be chatting with JB later today, so I will tell her that you guys & gals have been by to pick up your award/leave a message. With her crazy work schedule, JB probably won't be back here until next week. She's super exhausted, so if you can send some happy vibes her way, she could sure use them. :)


  11. J.B., hang in there! We, your faithful readers, will be patiently awaiting your hilarious return.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)