
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Glamour Gets Real

Hey everyone, this is Eddy sitting in for JB. I'm posting today because I want to share a photo that will appear in the November issue of Glamour magazine.

Far left: Crystal Renn, Amy Lemons, Ashley Graham, Kate Dillon, Anansa Sims and Jennie Runk. Bottom Center: Lizzie Miller. Photo: Matthias Vriens-McGrath

Who are those beautiful women pictured above? Well, first, I want to say kudos to Glamour magazine for printing a photo of what most women (JB and myself included) look like without their clothes on. As for those seven lovely ladies, they are some of the top plus-size models working in the fashion industry. Yes, I said plus-size. Apparently, any model above a size 6 is considered plus-size. WTF????

I think the fashion industry needs a serious reality check.

What do you guys think?

Until next time,


  1. beautiful. But where are the short plus sized ones??

  2. It's nice to see that woman with curves are getting praised instead of being called fat.

    I think they're all beautiful!

  3. They are all stunningly beautiful and are much more representative of the typical woman. I love Lizzie Miller and did a post about her when she caused so much flap about being overweight.

  4. I LOVE THIS! I promote this on my blog...We need MORE REAL WOMEN in the media!!

  5. sweet Eddy posted a great one for us today. Thanks are the best. Thanks to Glamour for actaully representing real women in they're magazine.


  6. Are you kidding me? PLUS sized? Crap... But hey, at least they are acknowledging women with more then an ounce of fat on them.

  7. over 6 is plus size??????? okay, now you've ruined my weekend...

  8. re: any model above a size 6 being plus-size

    Ladies, all I know is that a size 6 isn't size 6 anymore, anyway. H*ll, no size is what it used to be. Once upon a time, I could walk into a store, grab my size off the rack, and it would fit. When I go into a store now and put on something that is supposedly my size, it's either too big or too small. I'm forever having to bring in 4 different sizes of the same item into the changing room with me because there is no telling which one is going to fit right. It's damn annoying! Out of curiosity, I asked some guys if they're also having this problem, and they all said no. Clearly, it's just us gals putting up with this size crap. What do your husbands/boyfriends/brothers/guy friends/etc have to say? Any complaints?

    - Eddy

  9. I so agree with Eddy WTF.....size 6 is now a plussss size you got to be kidding me. Women are being tormented by the media on what is considered skinny or fat. Does anyone seriously believe that skinny is better?


    So, that you all know I'm 5'4 weight 140 pounds. I where a size 10 and sometimes 12 in some on my jeans. That being said screw the media cause this girl feels great in her body and jeans....hahahah!!!!

  10. You need to have something to grab onto. Curvy girls rule!

  11. I'm with you 100% on this one! Those ladies are gorgeous!


  12. dear eddy, please tell jb that she hasn't been around to my blog in ages and that i miss her comments

  13. p.s i don't care about plus sized models or skinny models, as long as they're beautiful and healthy, that's all that matters to me. i'm a skinny girl and i don't want to feel like i'm not a typical woman.

  14. yes, thank you lee - i need models to be 5' 4" and 180 before i'll feel equal

  15. Katieleigh,

    I will tell JB that she is missed over at your blog. As for models and us ladies who are not models, I agree that being healthy is what's important, regardless of size. It just really struck me when I heard that any model above a size 6 is considered plus-size. I mean, that is just insanity!! Last time I checked (i.e. consulted a study on this subject), the "average" woman today is 5'4" and weights 140 lbs. This makes the "average" woman a size 12-14. So, all I was getting at was that the "average" woman out there doesn't look like most models we see in fashion magazines, etc. Therefore, it would be nice if the "average" woman were better represented. :)

    - Eddy

  16. I would like to say it's about time, but I used to subscribe to Glamour. They'll have the pics on the inside, but on the outside they'll still have the airbrushed, anorexic looking model month after month after month because unfortunately that is what's considered "high fashion". They'll probably even airbrush this pic to get rid of every last trace of cellulite on the models' legs. You can be plus-sized, just not plus-sized with dimples.

    Personally, I think they look great. However, the size 6 being plus sized just depressed me, seeing as that's the size I wear. At the rate we're going, but the time I'm 35, 2 will be plus sized. What will the modeling world be then, negative sizes?

  17. JB - I'm throwing some blog love your way today on Don't be a Slut. A belated acknowledment of the Superior Scribbler award you gave me a few weeks back.

  18. Hey everyone it seems that I'm of average size thanks Eddy!!! This is a great topic and it needs to be addressed a lot more. I agree with Staci what's going to happen in a few more years is a size 2 really going to be the new plus size?


  19. Katie...I haven't forgotten about you at all my love . Tonight when I come home from my slavery job, that has me tied down these last 2 weeks, I will come over and check you out. I noticed you changed your blog layout it looks great, see I have been by just didn't comment.


  20. Anita...thanks for the blog love and for stopping in all the time.

    huggs alot

  21. Staci,

    Did you know that size 00 (i.e. double zero) can be found in stores now? Well, it's true, so it's possible that size -1 is next. Scary!

    - Eddy

  22. I don't know what the lbs conversion is, but I'm 5"9 and 54kg.. I would give anything to be 5"5 or thereabouts :(

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  24. Of course, they are plus size, they all have boobs. Those wafer thin sticks always look like little boys. Nice post!

  25. thanks for posting this. :)
    now i don't feel so bad for looking the way i do..

  26. I heard of Lizie Miller before I saw the picture. I was expecting somebody heavier than her and was happy (in a selfish way) about it. But what I saw was a 'normal sized' woman.

    I am glad at least normal sized women are being accepted. Though still waiting for the 'real over sized' women like me to be socially accepted.


  27. They are all beautiful, and it's pathetic that we put so much emphasis on thin. you can be 'plus sized' and healthy.

  28. JB,
    Awesome post. I saw your comment on All in a Mom's Life -- while she hosted a contest for me and Eden Fantasys. I would be thrilled if you like to work together. Email me anytime and keep up the awesome blogging.

  29. They all look fabulous and this is how a real women look like not like the one we saw on television who has gone through many surgery to look good


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)