
Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm A Superior Scribbler!

A few days ago, CatLadyLarew stopped by to say that she had something for me on her blog. What I found waiting there for me was the Superior Scribbler Award. I'm very flattered to be a recipient of this award because I never thought anyone would actually give a crap about what I had to say, and also because growing as a writer is really important to me. Thanks, CatLadyLarew, for your appreciation & support.

Now, as with all blog awards, there are rules to be followed, and they are:

1. Pass the award on to 5 deserving bloggy friends

I hereby award Anna, Maggie May, Anita, Cinner, and Travel & Dive Girl.

2. Name the person who passed the award on to you & link back to his or her blog

Thanks again to CatLadyLarew!

3. Display the award on your blog


4. Link to this post which explains how the award came to be & add your name to the Mr. Linky List at the end of that post.

I'm number 924.

I wonder who will be number 1000.



  1. Congratulations, dear JB. You do throw down some good stuff. I am sure there will be awards sliding down your sidebar before long!

    Best to you.


  2. Awww..jb, jb though I don't always get a chance to comment i totally give a crap about what you have to say!

    Peace - Rene

  3. Congrats on the award, and have a great weekend!

  4. Wow, J.B.

    As always, I am always honored by your generosity. Thanks for passing the Superior Scribbler award to me.

    I'll acknowledge the award on my blog in a week or two - after I've wrapped up my "Virgihity Diaries" saga.

    Hugs, kisses ... and an absence of cake! (Still laughing my ass off about your cake tirade the other day.)

  5. Congratulations Jb, you deserve it, I LOVE your writing, thankyou for fowarding it. I will do a post next Monday. I am taking the weekend off, just dropped in for a moment. I am up and down all night for the entire week. Thankyou again my friend. Big hug. c

  6. Lovely, lovely JB! Thank you so much and I will sure pass this on! You should know by now that I, for one, very much cares about what you jot down on your blog!!

    Love you!!


  7. congrats, I think you should earn even more awards!

  8. Congratulations on the award!

    I think you have a great blog with a voice that I enjoy reading.

    And I am very envious of your upcoming trip to Paris!

    Here's to chasing our dreams....

  9. Dearest JB,

    You make me blush! Seriously, you are far too kind to me and my humble blog/boutique! Your comments always make my day a little bit more sunnier, and I can't wait to 'follow' your footsteps when you take off to Paris!

    Have a wonderful week!


  10. woohoo! this is great. and one of my favorite awards :)

  11. Thanks JB! I'm super excited to have received the award, although it would of been an honour just to be nominated!

  12. Congrats, dear! That's my favorite award, I think ;-)

  13. Thank-you for all the kind words it means so much to me.

    This award belongs to everyone who supports me because if it wasn't for all of you the writing would not happen so thank-you thank-you my fellow writers of the truth about this life our true life....vive la vie belle!!!!

    With Great Love

  14. Thank you JB, for all your thoughts that you share here and in my have a generous heart :) and a lovely blog

  15. also have a generous heart and a great blog. I thank-you for sharing yourself with all of us. You can't imagine how much it helps me and probably a lot of other people.

    love you lots


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)