
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My 1st Blogoversary - I Made It!

A year ago today I was in a pretty bad place. I didn't think that I'd even be here to see another August 4th, and I sure as h*ll didn't know that I'd be celebrating a Blogoversary. I've come full circle, hit the wall & fell down a few times on the way, but I made it.

I have to thank Eddy, who got me started on my blogging journey in the first place, my parents & my sister, my roommate & friends, and all of my new friends & followers here in the blogosphere, for all of your love & support. You found me & you helped me heal. Thank you one & all.

As a treat, I'm letting all of you pick what you want me to write about next. Just leave a comment to let me know which of the following you want to read about most:

* She-Man - The Return

* The Hair Down There

* Mad Man (Really Mad!!)

* Sh*tty McSh*tty

* A Ground Hog With Sexy Legs



  1. Congrats on your blogoversary! I look forward to many more wonderful posts :)

    Which do I want to read about next? I have to choose "Sh*tty McSh*tty". Haha, with a title like that, how could I not :)

  2. whole year, Congrats!

    And, do we only have to pick one? They all sound SO interesting, lol. I guess if I had to I'd pick the 'hair down there'.


    * The Hair Down There!

    For sure!


  4. @Mr.Condescending.....why am I not surprised you'd pick the hair down there. If you love women as much a I do, you and I will get along just fine Mr......!!!!

    Huggs alot

  5. @For the love.....thanks and yes with this title "Sh*tty McSh*tty it will be funny. Have a good one.


  6. @Lin....thanks a lot for stopping in and the Hair Down there seems to be winning already Oh...boy!!!!!


  7. @Miss Stef...thanks doll your so beautiful in your new picture just wanted to tell you. So the Hair Down There Eh!!!!!!! you guys are going to make me suffer for this one.... wait and see.

    Love You

  8. Congrats!

    Here's to many more!

    *raises imaginary beer mug*


  9. Happy blogoversary! You are brave in letting readers choose your fate, so in the spirit of curiosity, I too vote for The Hair Down There...

  10. Super congrats!

    Well...I'm not a fan of hair down there, nor am I a fan of the word 'man' or any of its grammatical variants. And I'm a one profanity per sentence kind of its the sexy legs for me.

    Hope you're doing well!

  11. Happy Blogging Anniversary. I vote S*tty McSh*tty. It's just too enticing although, I'd be happy to hear about any of them.

  12. Happy 1 year, JB!!! :)

  13. Congrats on your blogoversary!

    I'll pick...

    * The Hair Down There!


  14. Congrats! I vote for Shi**y McShi**y.

  15. Congratulations from Kansas, and from Hell! You are one of the best. I, too, opt for the Shit-te.

    Best to you.


  16. JB, I'm not exaggerating when I say that you're probably the best thing the Blogosphere has brought me! I'm so glad I found you, my little Canadian cupcake!! I want to hear about "hair down there" and you know where to find me if you want some help with a trim!

    LOVE you!!!!!!!!!!!


  17. Congrats!! :)


    Waitin to see what you pick and write next..

  18. who hoo. congratulation on the blogoversary.I am glad you made it through your tuff times. As for your writing, I love everything you write and how you usually make me laugh....So anything goes for me.

  19. Happy blogoversary! And I choose the hair down there!

  20. One year, JB! Congratulations! We love you and we're so glad you're still sharing your life with us.

    PLEASE write about he-she again!

  21. I can only pick one? This is so unfair. Well..

    The hair down there I guess. OOO lala.

  22. yay, girl, yay...I remember you when! I was your first (ahem) it's only fitting that you should write about me...a groundhog with sexy legs! :D

    Peace - Rene

  23. Happy Bday!

    Some say you only live when you share yourself. So I guess that means that the you that exists in blog land is a year old. Soon you'll be out of your baby shoes, running around creating havoc and writing about the hair down there. Looking forward to it!

  24. Congratulations JB! Well done and please let it be a next anniversary! I thoroughly enjoy your stories and always look forward to the next. She Man sounds interesting to me. Lots of hugs

  25. congrats JB. Glad you've kept on blogging cos you're an amazing blogger :)

    * i choose "Sh*tty McSh*tty" but they all seem interesting ;p

  26. congratulations on your anniversary! I had no idea this last year has been such a tough ride. I'm glad blogging helped. it can be very therapeutic, I know that too!

    whatever you choose to write about, we'll read it!

  27. Hmmm..I didnt pick becoz I knew that whatever u wud wrte about would be super super funnyy!!!

    But if I had to pick...I wud go with the last one

    * A ground hog with sexy legs !


  28. @Alpha...I raise my beer mug to you and cheers love.

    @Travel....brave I am and thanks for the congrats.

    @Stephanie....hey love nice to see you. I know you've moved to New York. Hope all is well. I will write a good story for you.

    @Peach Tart.....thanks love for the congrats and "Sh*tty McSh*tty" is a keeper trust me on this one.

    @Rica...thanks for the visit and the congrats. Hope all is good with you and your being a good girl.

  29. @Cynnamamma....thanks for stopping in on my blog and welcome. Good pick and I hope you come by often.

    @Chris...."Sh*tty McSh*tty" of course.

    @Expat....your a sweet heart love. Your one of the best too. Actually we are all good people trying to make sense of this so called life. Thank-you for your kindness my heart is filled with love today.

  30. little Swedish lover what can I say your the one and only Swed in my life and your not going to be replaced every.

    I'm happy I found you just as much. I thank your mom and dad for doing the dirty Swedish love dance and giving us YOU!!!!!see parents doing it not so bad.

    Love you lots

  31. love thanks. Can you believe a year has passed and here we still stand a little shaken but not so bruised. Thanks Indi for all your support and love this last year. You helped me more then you can imagine and this is priceless to me.

    Love you lots....

  32. @Cinner...thanks sweet heart I will write something that will make you pee your pants ok.

    @Gran....thanks a lot. Your a great supporter and an all around great person. Thank-you for always coming by, I really do appreciate it.

    @Chrissy...where's my B-day pole dance lady. You'd think on this special occasion you'd let one out for free for me.....lolol. Thanks my fave stripper for the words. Lots of love and dancing this year to come.

    @Amanda little bunny..I've missed you so... happy to see you've come back to my little tortured world called Hamburger Land...thanks for always being there when I needed you the most.

  33. sexy beaver how did you know that was you. Love you lots and being my first beaver follower I've left you a little something on your blog.

    @Louis. thank-you for your beautiful words. It's nice to see you stop in. It means a lot to me.

    @Libertine.....she/man is a good one for sure. You take good care and never change who you are. I love you for this.

    @Cybel...thanks and so are you love. Your words warm my heart. We are all amazing writers because we write and we care for each other this is why i do it.

    @Polly...your an amazing women and a great mind. I'm happy I found you. Thanks for the words and for just being there.

    @Indi...hahahah made you pick love.

  34. Congratulations, JB. Continue the upward trend toward the light. You seem well on your way despite the occasional stumble here and there.

  35. happy blogoversary!!!!!! and it's gotta be...... mad man!

  36. Mad Men!!! I love picking on men!!!

    Blogging definitely rocks!! Picked up my spirits too.

  37. Happy Blog Bday!

    And who can resist a sexy legged groundhog?

  38. JB because I am as creepy as they come I also follow her on twitter and facebook. She said she just opened it for a reason and closed it for another, but I am keeping a watchful eye because she is dear to me.


  39. @NothingProfound.....thanks for the kind words. It has been a bumpy road but slowly but surely I'm paving a new path. Thanks for dropping in and taking the time to leave me a comment.

    @Shadow....thanks shadow your a good women. Hope all is well with you and your family.

    @Hit40...mad man it is but not beecause I like mad men or I'm thinking of changing side lolol. Thanks for the input.

    @JennyMac....Thanks for dropping in and taking the time to leave me a comment. Sexy leggs it is lolol.

  40. @Amanda...thanks love for checking up on katie. As a matter of fact your not that creepy I've been following up on her also. Just had to run off to work yesterday didn't have time so I just stalked you instead lolol hope you don't mind. Left you a comment on your blog beautiful ok.

    Huggs alot

  41. Well, obviously the hair down there!


  42. Happy Blogoversary!
    I vote on sh*tty mcsh*tty

  43. Happy blogoversary!!

    I vote for "She-man"

  44. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!!! I'll have to drink in your honor tonight.

    Also, can I vote for all of them? And can my votes surpass everyone else's??

  45. I am brand new to your blog. Just stumbled upon it and loved it! Happy year of blogging to you! Congrats. I can't wait to read all of your adventures. Excited to be a new follower!

  46. Your a sweetie!! I am glad you enjoyed my first humorous video attempt. I have several thoughts for my next clip.

  47. A very happy blogoversary for you. Blogging is so much fun and I'm glad you've met so many wonderful friends along the way. Hope you have many more.

    Have a great weekend :)

  48. Congrats on the one year anniversary! Keep up the great posts. Thanks for keeping me entertained.

  49. One of us!

    One of us!

    One of sus!


  50. happy blogger aniversary! glad you made it to another august 4th :)

    i was originally going to pick something different but i feel i may be out voted so i'm going to go with 'the hair down there' as well :p

  51. J.B., congrats! You continue to inspire me.

    Don't care what you write next, I'll be reading. LOL.

  52. Congrats on the anniversary! What is the traditional gift for the one year blogiversary?? I hope it is cash!! I got my fingers crossed and my announcements printed up!!

    You didn't send out an announcement?

    Oh, that renders your gift demands moot.

  53. Congrats on the anniversary.

    With so many interesting titles to choose, how can I pick just one. I guess I'll go with "The Hair Down There," only because I saw an interesting interview with the Kardashians last night on Chelsea Lately about what I'm assuming is the same topic, only this one revolved around mayonnaise.

  54. happy one year! i'm glad you are here.

  55. Awww!!! I'm glad you've come so far! :D


  56. hair down there. congrats on the anniversary!

  57. hey congrats on the anniversary! *beer


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)