
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Awarded Again!

My dear fellow bloggers, I have been awarded again. :) This time it's the Neno's award & it was given to me by Magdalena over at The Untamed Thoughts on Autism. Thank you, Magdalena, I am honoured!

Neno's award is given to those who love blogging & love to encourage friendships through blogging. It also seeks to know the reasons why the person being awarded loves blogging.

So, first things first. Why do I love blogging? Well, I started blogging because I was broken and feeling helpless, and I desperately needed an avenue to express myself. I went to therapy, did my yoga, and tried all kinds of other things too, but nothing was really helping until I started blogging. Blogging saved my life, it really did. I mean it. I was on the verge of suicide, but one morning I called Eddy and told her that I wanted to start a blog or something because I needed an outlet. Well, in a couple of hours, Eddy got me up and running & I haven't looked back since. I wrote out all the pain, despair, anger, everything. I wrote until I cried over all that I lost, and somehow, little by little, I gained so much more. I got my life back!! Not only that, I've made so many wonderful new friends. I started healing from my pain because complete strangers took the time to read what I had to say & to leave me messages of encouragement, hope, and love. You have no idea how much that means to me & I thank you all so much. I will never forget what you've done for me & continue to do for me. Lastly, the most amazing thing out of all this is my relationship with my super great cuz, Eddy. Without her help, her pushing me to write, and telling me to get to it, I could never have come this far. So, with great love and appreciation, thank you, Eddy. It's all because of you that I’m able to forge this new road. Thank-you, and I promise that I'm going to buy a better dictionary & that I will use less commas when I'm writing my drafts. LOL

Now, I'm to pass the Neno's award on to as many bloggers as I choose. Those of you selected must then do the following:

1. Collect the award by saving the badge & posting it on your blog

2. Write a blog post about the Neno's award -- tell everyone what it's about, who awarded it to you, and also tell everyone why you love blogging

3. Pass the award on to as many bloggers as you like by naming them in your post & linking back to their blogs

4. Let those bloggers know that they have been awarded

I have chosen the following bloggers as Neno's award recipients:

Court at Tangles Out

Polly at Polly Abroad



  1. Any award that comes your way is surely more than well deserved. I never realised that there was a sad story or tortured soul behind those words that always cheer me up so much.

    A thousand hugs coming up for the only woman who has seriously made me consider batting for the "other" team! YOU ROCK, JB, AND I LOVE YOU TO PIECES!!!! You've made cyberspace a better place and I always look forward to the next instalment.

    MWAH (and then some).


  2. @Anna...with great sadness comes great happiness but the other side where going down a slippery slope....Thanks for your kind words, it really means alot to me.

    I'd be honored to give you a little lesson if you need some training, I'll get my bat,gloves, and my rubber panties and off we go weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....look out here I come with my hula hoop....ahhhhhh.


  3. Good on ya JB and Court, I love your blog, yay!!!

    Peace - Rene

  4. You are absolutely amazing and great all in one. Thank you for the's the best one. You're blog rocks so much to receive this from you is really an honor.

    P.S. I'm doing a lil back reading on your blog bc I'm nosey like that and I wanna know the story ;)

    Thanks Again-


  5. are the best. I so love your blog and you have always stuck by me and my crazzzy rants about my Ex. You where right about time heals all the wounds, but I still hate that baitch no matter but I love you guys and that’s so much better then the spawn of Satan...lololol. My hat goes off to you and many many huggssss. Your family is so lucky to have you and you must be an amazing mother.

    With Great Love

  6.… you rock the house out. No thanks is needed you deserve this. What you have been dealing with these last few months, you’ve dealt with it, with great candor and great humility. I couldn’t imagine giving this to anyone but you. You are an exceptional women, I'm humbled and honored by you. Your heart is vast and your soul deep. One day soon your star will shine I know this to be true.

    With Great Love

  7. I started blogging for the same reasons.

    I've been telling my family and friends that blogging = therapy. I actually got most of them to join Livejournal and they agreed with me. Hahaha! Although, that WAS eons ago and only 1/4 of them still blog.

    Blogging is seriously one of the greatest ideas on earth.

  8. know it girl and thanks for always dropping in on me.



  9. I am glad blogger has been such a positive influence on your life and you have many more awards to come.

  10. Thank you so much for this award, JB! I'm stunned and in awe! I'm very, very pleased you felt I deserved it.

    It must be one of the more meaningful awards in blogosphere and I am very honoured to accept it... somehow this award made me realise that there are real people behind the blogs and even if we can't see each other face to face, we still became good friends through blogging because we talk about things that really concern us, we can be honest, perhaps more honest that in real life conversations...

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  11. @JP...hey lover why so serious...I'm still the same old lady lover as per before my dark horse. Thanks JP sometimes healing comes from the strangest places that have the most amazing treasuers.


  12. is these things that make us who we are. Honesty among strangers who would of thought such a thing. I have always known that all the strange faces that pass me at work or on the street has a story, life, love, hurt, disappointment and all the other things that make us human. I am honored to be among all of you more then you can all imagine. This life is grand and we are so grand in it. This is life, so let’s all live it with the glass full not half full or empty.

    With Great Love

  13. @miss stef.....thanks love your a great women for always dropping in. I'm coming over to read your last posts ok. Take good care until I get there.


  14. JB, you really just crystallized how I feel about blogging and the profound effect it has had on my life.

    Congrats on the award - I really, truly love your blog.

  15. JB,

    First, you deserve the award because your blog, your tenacity and spunk, have inspired other people.

    That's what writing is all about.

    Other people will tell you it's about money and what you've published and where. Nah, it's not. It's about 1.) empowering yourself and 2.) empowering other people.

    You've done that.




  16. @Anita...I love your blog and you know what... we all deserve this award, all of us as one unit. I just want to give back to people what I have received from them, that's it. Thanks for always giving me positive vibes. You’re an amazing women who deserves all that life has to offer.

    Love You Lots

  17. @Alana.....what can I say to you the women who inspires me. I hope that I can see life with the great heart and mind you have someday. Thank-you for the wonderful words of confidence you always give me you cannot imagine how much it has helped me. I will someday thank you all in person. It is that which I am striving for, to be able to see all your faces together in one room for a day of thanks.

    With Great Love

  18. Thank you girl! Wow your story about why you have a blog is something I can definitely relate to in a way. It is definitely therapeutic! Thanks for stopping by :)

  19. We LOVE you Jb. And thank you to Eddy, the genius :)
    You deserve evry kind of Awards because you rock!!!

  20. @lindsay...your an inspiration. We could all learn a lesson from you my lovely. Stay strong and beautiful.


  21. @lazy.... you make me blush and thanks you rock also very much. Your blog brings me great pleasure keep it up. As for EDDY yes she is a genuis of great preportions and without her I would not have come this I take my hat off to her.


  22. @shadow...thanks it means a lot from my poet that I love so. Thanks for all the great poems it makes me want to better my writing skills.

    With Great Love

  23. Great post! I'm new here, I'll be back!

  24. Anna took the words out of my mouth... that's not fair! LOOOL
    You know what? Read her again and then throw in a little bit of my "sugga" of my love... and that's it! It's me there! :)

    Love you loads,

  25. You have to go to Michel's blog today. She is freaking out in the Sudan with the heat and hit her limit with the award thing. So funny...

  26. Congratulations on the award. Hopefully my modest little blog will win something...someday.

  27. Awards are great!! Now where's my damn champagne?? Waitress???

    (I am SO voting for you...)

  28. @kelly ..welcome to my blog and thanks for taking the time to comment it means alot.


  29. Btw, movie soundtracks are my favorite too.

  30. So what besides a hamburger would make you happy?

  31. You're a brilliant writer that makes people smile every day, you deserve hundreds more awards.

  32. @izzie...thanks love your an inspiration my friend so keep doing what your doing because every little bit counts.


  33. @lazy..your very welcome my friend. Take good care and keep it up I like it very much.


  34. @hit40 ...thank-you for the blog connection and thank-you for dropping in on me. Take good care and I will check out the blog.


  35. @thomas...thanks for the praise. Welcome to my humble blog. I will come over and check yours out very soon. Take good care.


  36. @vodka did you know I used to be a waitress.....damm your good. Thanks for coming by and commenting it means alot.


  37. @Rachel...thanks for the kind words but your a brilliant artist yourself love. I think that your talent exceeds mine. Keep doing what your doing...your brilliant in your own way.


  38. Kudos on the award!

    Michel had the funniest post yesterday on awards you should check it out:

  39. Oh... and thank you for joining my group therapy. I hope you enjoy!

    I shall stalk you too!

  40. Congrats on winning the award!

    Wow, blogging has done wonders for you! I'm so excited for you, it's amazing how much this outlet with friends have done for you! That is worth more than all the awards in the world! I'm really glad you started blogging!!

  41. Congrats! Your blog is fabulous, and your awards are well-deserved : )

  42. Congrats, girl!! =) You so deserve it. *hugs*

  43. @hit40...went to see michel's blog brillaint. Thanks for the that..I love it.


  44. @louis...thanks alot for the nice words.


  45. @KLO..welcome to my humble blog and thanks for the nice words. I will be stopping by to read your blog also.


  46. @Paris...thanks love it means alot to me. I hope your getting happy in your nice place and new life. You've come a long way my friend and I only see great things for you from this point on. May your kite fly high into the blue sky.


  47. Congrats on your award. So glad you found this outlet and that we've been able to find you. You always put a smile on my face.


  48. @Chrissy...thanks alot you also put a smile on my face. I hope that your meds aren't making you feel sick....lolololol. All those side effects are really bad.

    Take Good Care

  49. I'm glad you've been given such an appropriate award. What I love most about your blog, JB, is that you're not one of those egotistical people who have blogs because they basically want to be famous *pretty much describing myself here*. You're a kind soul and you're so good to everyone even though you've been through such rough times. That takes a lot and I respect you so much for it.

    Sorry it's taken me so long to comment this entry, I've been away from blog world for a few days :(

    Hope you're feeling great!

    And by the way, HAHA @ your comment about using too many comma's in your drafts. TOO CUTE

  50. friend your words mean alot to me. I know that you've started a new job and I hope your doing good. Thanks for the kindness but as you feel this for me I feel the same for you. I consider you a good friend for life, my not so little kangaroo.

    With Great Love

    As you can see one comma...lolol...mmmm


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)