
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Looking For Adventure?

I don’t know if anyone has noticed the link to The Couch Surfing Project here on my blog, but I just had to write about it today. The project was founded by four young guys (two from the US, one from France, and one from Brazil), and I think it’s a super cool idea. If you want and/or like to travel & learn about other cultures, couch surfing might be for you.

How does it work? Well, all you have to do is join the community (aka register), go through a security check (aka get verified), make a connection with someone who’s hosting where you want to travel to (aka couch search), and you could be sleeping at their place for free instead of paying to stay at a hotel. There are even jobs available! No joke! The more I read about it, the more I want to escape my crazy soap opera of a life.



  1. I enjoyed being tagged. Gave me a chance to tell a little about me. I have checked out cake wrecks before and I love it. I have done some cakes in the past and thankfully, they all look better than most of the cakes on that page!!!! I enjoy reading your blog and am glad you enjoy my posts!!!! Thanks.


  2. If you want to escape your "crazy soap opera of a life" I would offer you a place to stay North of Siberia, (but south of Wisconsin) unfortunately, all I have to eat is hamburger.

  3. I think that is a great idea. If only the internet was more of an option when I was young and single. An army friend of mine and I decided when we returned from Germany that we would get out of the service, buy back packs, and head back to Germany to hitch hike around the country. Unfortunately neither of us was ever able to even come up with the $600 dollars for the flight back. We worked lots of crazy jobs for a summer, but ended up drinking the money we earned. Oh well, at least I went there in the Army and was able to travel around while I was there.

  4. I have seen this concept on TV and thought it sounds a bit "scary" its equally tempting too..
    Lets BOTH of us do it when I get to Canada!!
    What say? :D

    And thanks for offering for the homage part..
    Will definately post about it soon and let you know!!


  5. Hi Marty, thanks for dropping by the blog. Siberia sounds good but hamburger everyday could just be the remedy that cures my aching heart but not my soap opera of a life that would have to be Siberia for sure. Thanks for the words.


  6. TUW, happy to have tagged you. Keep writing those waitress stories, they are true and right spot on.

    Peace Out

  7. I've hehard about "couching" and from people who's participated. They say it works. I'll be sure to go as soon as I get a bigger couch myself.

  8. Wow. That project is pretty amazing... Thanks for the heads up. Now, I just need to rob a bank so I can get some funds to go somewhere.

  9. Couchsurfing is a great site, but I'd be concerned about letting a stranger into the house.

    Try - you can charge for your room, and as the guest pays on their credit card you can verify their identity, address etc - much safer

  10. Ken: You're right. This definitely would have been the way to go for you & your army friend. Sounds like you had some good times back in the day. :)

    Birgitta: It's not a requirement that you must also have a couch to offer from the get go. You can still travel now & offer your couch when you get a bigger one. :)

    Elle: If you find a rich "match" maybe he can pay your way. :)

    Anonymous: Anyone going couch surfing must pass a security check first (aka get verified). They take it very seriously over there.

    Cheers everyone!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Check back for my response and/or Eddy's. We love hearing from you! Peace, JB (blog owner) and Eddy ("super great cuz" & frequent guest blogger)