
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Today I Watched

There are days at work when everyone and their mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, best friend, neighbour and a slew of other people come busting through the doors begging for a table. There are also days when you can count the lunch reservations on one hand & the dinner reservations on the other. Today was one of those days. Since there wasn't much to do, I sat on the kitchen stairs watching my mother & sister doing what they could to keep busy. God forbid they take a break while they have the chance. No, they just had to argue about what food to prep & how to do it.

Why do they do this? Well, the long & the short of it is that my sister is a complete control freak and so is my mother. They're also both perfectionists. I, on the other hand, am neither of those things. I don't care too much about how we get something done, as long as we get it done. They always tell me that I don't take things seriously enough, and I just say, "Why, are the serious restaurant police going to arrest me for not taking my job seriously enough? Please, ladies, give me a break.”

I don’t understand why they have to make things so freakin’ complicated all the time. Back and forth they go, trying to one up each other. It’s never ending. My mother even tried to pull me into their drama by asking, "What are you looking at? You have something to say?" I just said, "No, I think you guys pretty much have it covered."

This non-bitter, non-aggressive, approach that I have really bothers them, but I don’t see any reason to get into it with those two, especially in a room with sharp objects at hand. So, I just watched them thinking about how it would make for great TV, and wondered who’d stab who first the closer they got to the knife block.



  1. yeah..ur life will make an amazing sit-com..!:D
    The toughest thing to do ever is to deal with a control freak.. I know so,cuz my mom's the same...:D
    but dun you think writin it all out, in a way,lessens the frustration we feel?
    Nice post...!
    I was like, wish I was there to film it!!...:)

  2. Hi Indy

    Yeah if you can get my mother to stop moving her hands and yelling at me and my sister. I hope your doing ok. I know you've had a tough time this week but cheer up things always seem to work themselves out in the end.

    Thanks for following

  3. Honestly, I do that to people too. I drive 'em nutts with my peace of mind.

    But everything comes at a price - being a living, walking, breathing empathy I sort of sense and feel what they do.

    Geez it's a bitch to be speshil lol

  4. haha I am not a control freak but I am terrible with confrontation so I don't think I could have just said that they had it covered-- I get enticed into things like that (with my family only)...

    Alsoooo I agree with what you posted on my blog about the holidays-- I just absolutely love (and am excellent at) gift giving. It warms my heart. Also there's this quote I thought you'd like:

    People say don't live in the past-live each day like its your last. Well you should try it in reverse-live each day like its your first <3

  5. Hey, JB, thanks for visiting my blog :)

    Please teach me how to be calm and non-confrontational when dealing with the drama queens. My mother tends to bait me. My kids bait me. And I seem to take it, hook, line and sinker!

  6. Lots of kidding. I just look at them and walk away backwards just in case they want to throw something at me. Thanks for stopping by.


  7. Oh no! My heart goes out to you, that situation would drive me crazy! Working with family - yikes!

  8. Yeah, crazy is ok but now i'm going nuts so i guess i have moved up the crazy ladder.

    Thanks for dropping by Sally.



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