
Friday, August 22, 2008

Love: Can It Be This Simple?

Imagine writing down a thirteen line song and getting it so right. Well, John Lennon did just that. I was listening to his Working Class Hero CD, and heard the song Love for the first time. It’s not that I've never listened to the CD before. I bought it on iTunes about a year ago. What I mean is that last night I really 'heard' that song. I always thought it was hard to describe love, but it isn’t that complicated after all. The lyrics (which I posted below) are simple, yet they express everything that I've been feeling, but could not put into words. "Love is needing to be loved" -- I wish that I would have figured this out myself.




Love is real, real is love
Love is feeling, feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved

Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved

Love is you,
You and me
Love is knowing
We can be

Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needing to be loved


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