
Sunday, January 31, 2010

O Wretched

O wretched lover,
Teller of tales,
Bringer of hate,
You failed me
Wicked may the pain be in your heart,
Burning long,
Burning deep

O wretched whore,
Eyes sunken and drawn,
Lips stained purple,
Your plan failed
Outside is a lie
Inside your garden,
Life is knocking on Heaven’s door

O wretched child,
Innocent and pure,
Conceived in thoughtless haste,
Mother failed you
You won’t be spared
Death is your only deliverance
From your watery tomb

O wretched lover,
Hollow soul,
Evil liar,
You failed you,
Failed us all
My heart is dead
To the tears you shed

© 2010 JB. All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christ! It's 2010!! WTF!!!

OK, everybody, Merry Christmas & Happy Friggin' New Year!

I'll be back next week with tantalizing new stories and updates on my so-called life.

Wishing you all a great weekend and thanks for sticking around while I've been M.I.A. Blame the bakery, which we employees now refer to as slavery. Hahaha!!
